Unicast Routing – Link State Routing
Prerequisite: Distance Vector Routing, Dijkstra algorithm...
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Classification of Routing Algorithms
Pre-requisites: Difference between Static and Dynamic Routing...
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Difference between Mesh Topology and Bus Topology
1. Mesh Topology: Mesh topology is a type of network topology in which each computer is connected to every other computer in the network. It is the most fault-tolerant network topology as it has multiple connections. In a mesh topology, each computer is connected to the other computer by a point-to-point link. If there are n components then each component is connected to n-1 other components i.e a mesh topology with n components will have n(n-1)/2. Mesh topology can be of two types namely full mesh topology and partially mesh topology. Mesh topology is one of the most robust and reliable topologies....
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Difference between Hub and Bridge
Prerequisite – Network Devices Hub: Hub is a networking device that is used to transmit the signal to each port (except one port) to respond from which the signal was received. Hub is operated on the Physical layer. In this packet filtering is not available. It is of two types: Active Hub, Passive Hub.  Bridge: Bridge is also a network device that is used to connect two different LANs working on the same protocol. Types of the bridge are Source route, Transparent, and Translation. In bridge one port for incoming and another port for outgoing.  Difference between Hub and Bridge:...
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Difference between Ring Topology and Mesh Topology
Prerequisite – Network Topologies...
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Introduction of Internetworking
Internetworking is combined of 2 words, inter and networking which implies an association between totally different nodes or segments. This connection area unit is established through intercessor devices akin to routers or gateway. The first term for associate degree internetwork was catenet. This interconnection is often among or between public, private, commercial, industrial, or governmental networks. Thus, associate degree internetwork could be an assortment of individual networks, connected by intermediate networking devices, that function as one giant network. Internetworking refers to the trade, products, and procedures that meet the challenge of making and administering internet works....
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Converting Context Free Grammar to Greibach Normal Form
Prerequisite – Context Free Grammars, Simplifying Context Free Grammars A context free grammar (CFG) is in Greibach Normal Form (GNF) if all production rules satisfy one of the following conditions:...
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State Elimination Method convert DFA/NFA/Ɛ-NFA into Regular Expression
State Elimination Method : Rules to convert a DFA/NFA//Ɛ-NFA into corresponding Regular Expression....
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Short trick to find number of states in DFA that accepts set of all binary numbers which are mod by n
Suppose we have a question :...
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Difference between Data Science and Operations Research
1. Data Science :...
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LALR Parser (with Examples)
LALR Parser :LALR Parser is lookahead LR parser. It is  the most powerful parser which can handle large classes of grammar. The size of CLR parsing table is quite large as compared to other parsing table. LALR reduces the size of this table.LALR works similar to CLR. The only difference is , it combines the similar states of CLR parsing table  into one single state. The general syntax becomes  [A->∝.B, a ]where A->∝.B is production and a is a terminal or right end marker $LR(1) items=LR(0) items + look ahead...
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Computer Organization | Booth’s Algorithm
Booth algorithm gives a procedure for multiplying binary integers in signed 2’s complement representation in efficient way, i.e., less number of additions/subtractions required. It operates on the fact that strings of 0’s in the multiplier require no addition but just shifting and a string of 1’s in the multiplier from bit weight 2^k to weight 2^m can be treated as 2^(k+1 ) to 2^m. As in all multiplication schemes, booth algorithm requires examination of the multiplier bits and shifting of the partial product. Prior to the shifting, the multiplicand may be added to the partial product, subtracted from the partial product, or left unchanged according to following rules:...
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